Monkey Tooth

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Sister Peggy O'Neil

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Sister Peggy O'Neil Monkey Tooth

Sister Peggy O’Neil has lived in El Salvador for the past 35 years, having moved there to be of service to the poor during their devastating 12-year civil war.  We stayed with Peggy at the “Centro Arte para la Paz” (Center for Art through Peace) where we talked about her life as a friend of the poor, a feminist role model, a shoulder to lean on, and an absolute hero of human solidarity.  We are so fortunate to be able to bring you this incredible story, told by the youngest 81-year old we know! 



Centro Arte Para la Paz - Daniel Berrigan - Philip Berrigan - Video of Sister Peggy


Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman – Delicado

Department of Eagles – In Ear Park

Harold Budd - Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord Butterfly Sunday

Buena Vista Social Club - El Carretero (Guajira)

Mercedes Sosa - Balderrama