Akasha (Wanda's Piece in Bombay Beach, CA)
Constructed in fibreglass, installed temporarily for Earth Day 2020 at shore of the Salton Sea, now permanently in the town of Bombay Beach.
Calling to the waters that connect all life, Akasha is a symbol of hope and continuity – things slip through the cracks, life finds a way and through this unusual genesis new ideas are born. Where there is water there is life. This is about hope in a ‘hopeless’ place. At the shore of a dying sea, what can be done?
Hope is something that we extend before us, it is a brave anticipation. Balanced between an awareness of the present and an idea of a possible future, it is a kind of double vision. Akasha is gentle yet defiant, reaching and delving – an unfolding potential, a vision of the possible.
A lure cast to the beyond – to the unfolding depths of sky and earth.
Situated in an area where water once was, its form echoes the flows that have shaped landscapes which to us now appear dry. Akasha calls out to our innate belonging and participation in the processes which animate the world, reawakening our awareness of the continuity between all things — reminding us that it is to the expanse that our souls belong.