Ernie Hubbard

Friends and fellow weirdos, I am pleased to present today's guest, Ernie Hubbard. He's a scientist, a businessman, a creative force, a fully enrolled student in the school of the eternally curious, and a total sweetheart. We talked about his upbringing in Marin County and the Sacramento Valley, the 1960s counter-culture, organic farming, his love affair with biology, a near-death experience that brought him closer to God, and much more. Check in with your biofield and give this one a listen. Share and Enjoy!

Learn more about Ernie here - ⁠⁠

Andrew CouchComment
Lord Running Clam

Ladies and Slime Molds, I present to you the most gracious emissary of Ganymede, Lord Running Clam (aka David Hyde)! Lord Running Clam is a writer, a chronicler, a gatherer of like-minded souls, and a friend of dickheads everywhere. I met up with LRC via the Internet to talk about his life in literature, community organizing, general weirdness, and more. Share and Enjoy!

Buy The Books - Pink Beam - Ganymedean Slime Mold on Tour -

Andrew CouchComment
David Gill

Writer, thinker, father, educator, Total Dickhead - David Gill is my guest this week. He joins us to talk about deconstruction, literature, the brilliance of Philip K. Dick, learning to understand your parents and yourself, what it's like to battle the university to whom you've given nearly two decades of your life, and more. We had a good time, I think you might too. Share and Enjoy! Also, he's not a dick.

Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Get a copy of David's book!

Andrew CouchComment
Dr. Carl & Waterbird

Our pal, Dr. Carl Schoch, returns to the program to discuss his journey through the Inside Passage from Skagway, Alaska, to Sidney, British Columbia. We talk about adventure, solitude, resilience, his new YouTube channel, and his fascinating little wooden boat, Waterbird.

Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Mack Waylon - Giving up on Settling Down - Instrumental Version


Coastview - YouTube - Facebook - Instagram

Andrew CouchComment
Antalina Federova

How many lives have you lived? My guest today, the enigmatic, highly intelligent, and wildly curious Antalina Federova, is living her 11th life at the moment. I'm pleased to be able to share my conversation with this delightful human - another reason why fake radio is the best hobby on the planet. Please Share and Enjoy!

Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado


Multiple Lives Article on Medium



Our Mutual Friend Dawn Jansen

Andrew CouchComment
Norman "Spirit" Greenbaum

Norman in Petaluma - always wearing a cool shirt.

Welcome, friends! I hope you enjoy this chat with my new pal,  @normangreenbaummusic  Norman is a musician, singer, and songwriter from way back East and a long time ago. We had an unlikely chat about flies, the absence of snails in Alaska, the presence of snails in California, growing up in Boston, MA, "The Eggplant That Ate Chicago," our mutual friend, Erik Jacobsen @erikstravels2161  and, of course, Norman's life in music. It was an honor and a privilege to hear a tiny snippet of his tale. Share and Enjoy, won't you?

Links -

Learn more about Norman - -

Watch his podcast  @normangreenbaummusic 

Buy some guitar strings -

Tunes in this Episode -

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

The Stovall Sisters - Spirit in the Sky (written by Norman Greenbaum)

Andrew CouchComment
Erin Thompson

Erin Thompson is a painter, poet, thinker, billiards baddie, and educator. She's spent nearly four decades working with and loving children with autism, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities. Tune in to hear how compassion, creativity, and open-mindedness help Erin and others bring light and joy into these fascinating cultures. Share and Enjoy!

Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

I Paint a Design - Michael Hurley

Andrew CouchComment
Jeff Laprade

It was a visit from a friend and the passionate fandom foaming in the wake of author Philip K. Dick that gifted me the opportunity to meet today’s guest, Jeff Laprade. Jeff is an engineer, a poet, a writer, and a thinker working on what I can only describe as magic with magnetism. While he isn’t able to tell us what he does, where he does it, or for whom he does whatever it is he gets paid to do, he does share intriguing insights into science and the absolute mystery of magnetism. I’m happy to bring you more audio evidence of just how little I know about the physical world by introducing you to someone who knows a great deal more about almost everything. Share and Enjoy!

Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Insane Clown Posse - Miracles

Andrew CouchComment
Jon Carling

Say hello to my creative friend! Mr. Jon Carling is a multi-talented, multi-disciplinary sweetheart. He's an illustrator, animator, writer, musician, woodworker, entrepreneur, and full-time creative. Not satisfied with simply drawing all day, Jon recently opened a fantastic shop/gallery around the corner from my house called Carling Arts. At five feet wide, It might just be one of the most charming tiny creative spaces I've seen. Please share and enjoy this episode with my super interesting neighbor, Jon Carling.





Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Jon Carling - Walking Bird Instrumental

Marie Sebastiano

Say hello to my little friend, Marie Sebastiano! I met Marie through my friend and Marie's delightful daughter, Carol. Carol has been telling me for several years that I should meet and interview her mom—she was correct! I fell immediately in love with Marie, and I think you might as well. Enjoy this free-range conversation that begins in Brooklyn in 1935, strolls through Las Vegas in the 1970s, and slowly rolls it into South Florida in 2024. Share and Enjoy!

Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Tina Tunre's - "Simply the Best" (performed by Noah Reid )

Andrew CouchComment
J. Cobe

Whoa! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to present Mr. J. Cobe! A man who is, if not prodigious, is at least prodigiously loquacious! I truly enjoy being in J's company. He is a writer, a storyteller, a builder, a helper, a man quixotically fixated on leading a weird life, squares be damned! I hope you enjoy it, I sure did. Share and Enjoy!

Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Fred Wesley & the New J.B'.s - Breakin' Bread

Andrew CouchComment
Kona Morris

Today's guest is Kona Morris, and I like her a whole bunch. Her many talents and interests include but are certainly not limited to, being a comedian, a storyteller, a traveler, a mom, a writer, an editor, a teacher, an explorer, and a friend. We talk about self-awareness, seeking wise guidance, leaving home at a young age, her views on the past, present, and future, the many versions of self that may exist in other realities, and much more. Tune in for a sweet dose of inspiration. Share and Enjoy!




Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Beck - Hollow Log

Randy Polumbo

Today's guest is what I call a gentle genius. His name is Randy Polumbo, and I think he might be one of the coolest people I've ever met. He's an artist, a builder, a thinker, a father, a propagator of mycelium, a fan of eating bugs, and a kindhearted creative of the highest order. I met with him at his shop in Brooklyn to talk about childhood toys, owl pellets, the Gowanus Canal, art, sound, and more. Share and Enjoy!



Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Tenzin Choegyal - Heart Sutra Song Gone Beyond

Andrew CouchComment
Erik Lomen

Erik and his Graflex - he rebuilt this camera with 3D printed parts and a metric shit-ton of moxie.

Ohh fortunate are we to live in the same world as today's guest, Erik Lomen. First of all, I only got to meet Erik because of serendipitous timing, bad weather in Cheyenne, WY, a not-to-be-missed Boston Celtics game, my propensity to arrive early for meals, my preference for eating at the bar, and a chance encounter with Erik's delightful and interesting mom, Marcy. Based solely on her hardly disinterested say-so, I drove to Gardiner Maine to spend the day with one of our new favorite people. Erik is the host of "The Myco Wizards Podcast", and founder and brainchild behind the wildly innovative Maine Cap 'N Stem - a supplier of spore-ready substrate for cultivators of mushrooms from Lion's Mane to Penis Envy. This is NOT a stoner, freaky mushroom weirdo episode...well, it is, but it's also much more. Erik is a deeply thoughtful, battle-tested polymath with a heart of red oak; perfect for taking mycelium to all its favorite places. Tune in for a particularly interesting ride. Share and Enjoy!


Maine Cap N' Stem

Myco Wizards Instagram - MycoWizards

Shrooms of Doom Instagram

Maine Cap N Stem Instagram

Dog Chapel in Vermont

Heiko Greb

Heiko Greb - drinking on the couch of Montana SLim’s Robot Orphanage.

What can I say about Heiko Greb? He’s a scientist, a sculptor, a skilled wood carver, a seamstress, an ice cream maker, a friend, and much, much more. We had a late-night chat in Bombay Beach, CA, to discuss the Hawaiian alphabet, art, Heiko’s personal history, and more. Share and Enjoy!



Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Air - Universal Traveler

Andrew CouchComment
Jack Parker

Jack “The Plumber” The Preacher” Parker outside the ZigZag House in Bombay Beach, CA

A tale of surrender and redemption, Jack Parker has plenty to say about living a life of service. I caught up with him after a fashion show in Bombay Beach, CA, to chat about his life and his faith. Share and Enjoy!




Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Elmore James - Dust My Broom

Dulcinée DeGuere

Dulcinée at Lake Manly - Photo Credit: Tao Ruspoli

My guest today is the lovely and talented filmmaker, writer, producer, and systems architect Dulcinée DeGuere. We had a chat via our computers; thanks to modern editing techniques and no small amount of patience and skill on the part of yours truly, it sounds like we had a totally natural and uninterrupted conversation. Even over the internet I found Dulcinée to be a charming, intelligent, and lovely person. Share and Enjoy!

Links -



Tunes in the Episode -

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Fatigue Fades My Bones - Dulcinée DeGuere and Tao Ruspoli

Andrew CouchComment
Uwe H. Martin & Frauke Huber
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Uwe & Frauke - On the shore of the Salton Sea with their art piece “One Pound of Almonds” - Photo Credit Scott Passfield

The Bombay Beach series returns with artists, journalists, and educators Uwe H. Martin and Frauke Huber. I was fortunate to catch the two of them for a pre-breakfast chat about German honesty, journalism, activism, water usage, art, and much more. Be sure to check out their website, get a book, and get involved - Share and Enjoy!


Uwe's First MTP Episode

Transition Journalism

Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Vera Sola - Hands

Andrew CouchComment
Jon Rolston

Jon Rolston is either a poet who deals in junk or a junkman who deals in poetry. In any case, he's a super hip collector and steward of wayward objects. I caught up with him at his shop in San Francisco to talk trash. We cover a variety of topics, including death, consumerism, hope, flea markets, a five-year plan that took fifteen to materialize, and more. Join me for a chat with the Junkman himself. Share and Enjoy!


Ebay Store

Tunes in This Episode

Delicado - Oscar Aleman

The Junkman - Spirits of Rhythm

Wanda Orme

Wanda Orme in Bombay Beach, CA

In addition to being a poet, sculptor, photographer, storyteller, and thinker, Wanda Orme is also a hilarious problem solver (an even funnier troublemaker) and one of my new favorite people on the planet. We spent a little time in the van chatting about art, loss, life, and the bizarre miracle of Bombay Beach, CA. Share and Enjoy! 


Wanda's Instagram

Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Bjørk - Oceania

Akasha (Wanda's Piece in Bombay Beach, CA)

Constructed in fibreglass, installed temporarily for Earth Day 2020 at shore of the Salton Sea, now permanently in the town of Bombay Beach.

Calling to the waters that connect all life, Akasha is a symbol of hope and continuity – things slip through the cracks, life finds a way and through this unusual genesis new ideas are born. Where there is water there is life. This is about hope in a ‘hopeless’ place. At the shore of a dying sea, what can be done?

Hope is something that we extend before us, it is a brave anticipation. Balanced between an awareness of the present and an idea of a possible future, it is a kind of double vision. Akasha is gentle yet defiant, reaching and delving – an unfolding potential, a vision of the possible.

A lure cast to the beyond – to the unfolding depths of sky and earth.

Situated in an area where water once was, its form echoes the flows that have shaped landscapes which to us now appear dry. Akasha calls out to our innate belonging and participation in the processes which animate the world, reawakening our awareness of the continuity between all things — reminding us that it is to the expanse that our souls belong.

Andrew CouchComment