Sister Peggy O'Neil

Sister Peggy O’Neil has lived in El Salvador for the past 35 years, having moved there to be of service to the poor during their devastating 12-year civil war.  We stayed with Peggy at the “Centro Arte para la Paz” (Center for Art through Peace) where we talked about her life as a friend of the poor, a feminist role model, a shoulder to lean on, and an absolute hero of human solidarity.  We are so fortunate to be able to bring you this incredible story, told by the youngest 81-year old we know! 



Centro Arte Para la Paz - Daniel Berrigan - Philip Berrigan - Video of Sister Peggy


Tunes in this Episode

Oscar Aleman – Delicado

Department of Eagles – In Ear Park

Harold Budd - Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord Butterfly Sunday

Buena Vista Social Club - El Carretero (Guajira)

Mercedes Sosa - Balderrama