Posts tagged #grandtetons
Lyle McReynolds

Amy, Whiskey, Lyle, Sunshine, and Juma.

Are YOU on the Bus? According to George Walker (one of the Merry Pranksters), Lyle is! If we ever need a reminder of just how privileged we are to be on this journey, all we need to do is listen to a few minutes of this episode. Lyle is one of the kindest, most thoughtful and genuinely wise people we have had the pleasure of meeting, in an incredibly strong field of kind, thoughtful folks! We sat with him in his home, where we were fortunate enough to be invited guests for three days, in Moose, WY. Everything about the place is incredible, from the views to the cabinetry. We talked about life, work, love, hunting, hand-built boats, carpentry, ghosts, being a worthy descendant, and the pressures of running a pool hall and daycare.


Lyle’s Description of the Eclipse - McReynolds Blacktail Cabins

Tunes in This Episode

Oscar Aleman - Delicado

Thunderclap Newman - Something in the Air

The Animals - We Gotta Get Outta This Place

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass