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Tunes in this Episode
Does anyone actually look at this? Contact me if you do…
Does anyone actually look at this? Contact me if you do…
Tao is a filmmaker, photographer, musician, explorer, Impresario, Superhost for Airbnb, and a truly contemplative man of the world! We talked family, film, ecological disaster expressed by art, philosophy, and sex! As always, I am grateful to Dr. Christopher Ryan for making this connection possible. Share and enjoy!
Tao’s Youtube - Tao’s Website - Tao’s Grandfather - Tao’s Airbnb - Bombay Beach Biennale
Freeman, friends! I’ve met a whole bunch of people on this journey, each of them unique in a special way. Freeman is no exception. We met on the shores of the Salton Sea, in a town called Bombay Beach. A few days later, sitting in a little studio near Joshua Tree National Park, he schooled me on pallet structures, living in India, teaching valuable software development skills to young people, having only one short career, and the joy of riding electric unicycles! Relax a bit, and spend some time with our new, sweet friend, Freeman.
Jaaga - Electric Unicycle - Unicycle Video - Unicycle Clubs
Joe is a writer, a photographer, a river guide, an avid outdoorsman, a poet, a father, a former college football player, and an all-around sweet guy. Joe invited me over, cooked me some breakfast, and told me his tale. We talked about conquering fear, writing, and the Wiser Amuser in all of us. This one was pretty special. Share and Enjoy!
Links - - Buy a Real Book - Download a Book - EnlightenTheLoad -
Tunes in This Episode
Booker T. and the MG’S - Mo’ Onions
Devendra Banhart - Now That I Know
I have to admit, I didn’t even scratch the surface of the interestingly rich and complex character of Johnny Keenan in this interview. In a wide ranging conversation, we talked briefly about childhood homelessness, living independently since the age of 13, having the foresight to seek out mentors and warm buildings, cooking for the Dali Lama, and what it is like to comfort the dying. Johnny has held more jobs than I have, and has done each of them with style and charm. Take a little time out of your day to enjoy the laid-back wisdom of our new pal, Johnny!
Gerrit McGowan, folks; this guy has done some shit! An experienced white-water kayaker, a river guide, a conservationist, an educator, an entrepreneur, and more. Gerrit sat down with me to chat, less than 24hours before leaving for Germany to begin working on his PhD. We talked about his many ventures, adventures, ideas, start-ups, successes, personal growth, the concept of “Flow” states, and time spent on the river! Share and Enjoy!
B.C. Conservation Site - KOEYE
Are YOU on the Bus? According to George Walker (one of the Merry Pranksters), Lyle is! If we ever need a reminder of just how privileged we are to be on this journey, all we need to do is listen to a few minutes of this episode. Lyle is one of the kindest, most thoughtful and genuinely wise people we have had the pleasure of meeting, in an incredibly strong field of kind, thoughtful folks! We sat with him in his home, where we were fortunate enough to be invited guests for three days, in Moose, WY. Everything about the place is incredible, from the views to the cabinetry. We talked about life, work, love, hunting, hand-built boats, carpentry, ghosts, being a worthy descendant, and the pressures of running a pool hall and daycare.
Lyle’s Description of the Eclipse - McReynolds Blacktail Cabins
Thunderclap Newman - Something in the Air
Charris, the first guest on this podcast, continues to have a lot to say! This time, his wonderful wife, Dulcie was able to join us. Dulcie is a filmmaker, an incredible mother, a teacher and remarkably adept at managing a variety of projects. Charris, the former “Granola Ayatollah of Canola”, is a multi-talented builder, a recovering public speaker, a fantastic father, teacher, and a wonderful friend. We feel privileged to bring you the whole Ford family in this two-part podcast! Share and enjoy!
Hindu Concept of Lila - Dulcie’s Website - A Fucker, A Fighter, A Wild Horse Rider
Phoenix and Kashius are 12 and 15 years old. They live on a beautiful mesa in Colorado, in a yurt. They have been to every continent except for Africa and Antartica. Their parents are Charris and Dulcie Ford...what more do you want to know? These two bright young men will tell you all about it. Share and enjoy!
Primitive Skills Camp - Greenest Student on Earth (Kashius) - One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on Youtube (Phoenix)
Bob Wallis - Sur Le Pont D'Aviginon
Sufjan Stevens - The Undivided Self (For Eppie and Popo)
Jack O & The Tennessee Tearjerkers - Switchblade Comb
On a cold Sunday afternoon in October 2018, Pelé was bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake…not just any rattlesnake, the highly poisonous and deadly, Faded Midget rattlesnake! Fortunately for us, the only emergency veterinarian in Moab, UT employs a straight-up bad-ass doctor, Alyssa Mulligan! After a couple of very difficult days for little Pelé, he pulled through, thanks to the hard work of Alyssa and her team. Tiff hosts this special episode, share and enjoy!
Oscar Aleman- Delicado
Gene Vincent - Bird Dogin’
Mike and Kellie have been everywhere…and their kids have been there as well. Meet a family who’s values include a deep curiosity for nature and culture and solo-efficient bag packing. We talked with them about their work in Jackson, WY, their travels before and after kids, and one hell of a close call in Rwanda. Also, their kids are super bad-ass, smart, funny and ready for adventure. Tune-in, share, and enjoy!
Lara Lane (US ambassador to Rwanda TED talk) - The Green School
Jon is a podcaster, a self-employed entrepreneur, a beer enthusiast, a Denverite, and an incredibly patient owner of cats! We talked about jobs, work, passion, podcasting, the art of communication, conquering a fear of public speaking, and of course, poop. Tune-in to hear an excellent podcaster give us a free lesson!
Pale Cricket - You Bought it
Joe Bob and Amanda are artists, makers, and two wildly inspirational and free human beings. We surprised them both with our recording gear and captured one hell of a magical hour! We talked about Vinotok, Burning Man, making art, mystical experiences, and how the human is to consciousness what the mushroom is to mycelium. See below for links to their good works!
Fantastic Fungi Movie - Amanda’s Website - Joe Bob’s Website Joe Bob’s Instagram - Amanda’s Instagram - Amanda’s CoSM Workshop - Philip rubinov Jacobson -
Icaros Chamanicos
We met J.D. in Joshua Tree over Christmas. We spent a few days camped across the road from him in a campground, and bonded over a jar of pickled green beans. In fact, meeting J.D. helped inspire this podcast! J.D. is one bad-ass climber, currently seeking endorsement deals. We met up with J.D. in Vedauwoo, WY on our way south, and we are super glad we did.
J.D. was camped out and had been climbing with a few new friends, including this weeks other guest, Devin Fin. Devin is a professional rock climber, and something of a luminary in the sport of '“of-width” climbing. Don’t know what “off-width” means? No worries, all you have to do is sit back, maybe smoke a little jazz cabbage, and these two charming characters will tell you all about it.
We talked about climbing, native culture, pro-deals, living on the road, and how to charm the police if visiting while Dutch. We had a blast with these two, we think you will too!
J.D.’s Instagram Devin’s Instagram
We met Skip through our mutual friend, in Bozeman, MT. Skip is a busy guy. He's a new father, an award-winning journalist, the communications specialist for the Center for Biofilm Research at the University of Montana, and he is an all around fantastic guy. We sat with him in his home, with chili on the pot, and his young daughter in Tiffany's arms. We cover journalism, food, issues facing the American South, the beauty and charm of the American West, and a phobia of Jack White. Share and Enjoy!
The story of Vernon Rust - The Black Lillies - The Contributor (Street Newspaper) - Biofilm Engineering
Dean Martin - Just the Other Side of Nowhere
Here is the first audio version of our journal…This one has no guest, just some dummy, reading to you about our experiences in Montana. Sleep tight!
Painting by Steve Osman -
We are so pleased to bring you this one! Meet our new pal, Ricardo Serpa. Ricardo is a dedicated follower of Passion! Tune-in to hear an inspirational tale about his journeys from Miami to Alaska on a motorcycle, his adventures in life, work and love, and lessons learned from death and near death. Share and Enjoy!
Sly and the Family Stone - You Can Make it if You Try